This demonstrates the use of the Athasbasca glacier file I demonstrated in my ragbag of ideas at SAGT 2005 (a sort of precursor of Ollie's presentation this year) - also the old Google search tip of filetype:swf to find the FLASH animations.
A project originally funded by the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) with an Innovative Geography Teaching Grant to develop teaching ideas for using Google Earth in the Geography classroom, expanded to include ArcGIS Online in 2014
I'm a student from Brazil and I'm working on a research project about favela tours. We're now working on the tourists's perceptions about tourism in Rocinha and were wondering if you would like to articipate as an interviewer. We could send you the questions (about 15) by email and would appreciate it if you could get ck to us with any suggestions you find useful.
Thank you for your attention,
I have sent an e-mail with my thoughts on this. I will gladly help in any way that I can..
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